LAVP (Louisiana Association of Video Professionals) is a non-profit organization created by and for video professionals in Louisiana. It is the oldest and most established professional organization in the state for videographers and a WEVA member organization. It’s mission is to provide an ongoing forum for continuing education and skills enhancement in all phases of professional video production. Members are committed to excellence and subscribe to a Code of Ethics and governing by-laws. We share knowledge of our rapidly changing technology through LAVP-sponsored presentations and seminars. Members include experts in the fields of wedding and event videography, legal/forensic video, commercial and corporate training video, corporate/industrial video, photo/film-to-video transfers, duplications/conversions, multimedia and new media. Meetings are held quarterly, and announced through this site. Special educational forums, equipment and production demonstrations will be announced in our E-mailed LAVP Newsletter.
Louisiana Association of Video Professionals (LAVP), P. O. Box 333, Brittany, LA 70718